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Sunday, 16 March 2014

Running Spots

One of the things that I want to do with this blog is shamelessly steal an idea from a friend of mine who records all of the interesting things he sees while running. He has inspired me to really open my eyes while running and rather than battling my own motivation to get out to run, I've started to look forward to the interesting and intriguing things you spot when in your own bubble of physical exertion and high tempo music.

I started running about 2 years ago to combat stress and as a physical counterbalance to the noise in my head that comes from a job that relies on using and stretching my brain to do things it often isn't ready for! I honestly believe I have succeeded in forming a habit that will stay with me for a long time. My mantra is 'you never, ever, regret a run'. My new habit is an achievement in itself as a former excercise-phobe. That said, I still only run around twice a week and I don't run with any discipline, mostly for a quick 20 mins or 3k - basically until I get bored!

Husband and I therefore decided today that we will sign up for the Cardiff Half Marathon! V exciting. This means a lot more discipline and training, but also a lot more runs!

So let's start with today. Today was one of those perfect runs. Or so I thought; cloudless blue sky, lovely breeze and that feeling that comes from basking your sun-starved face in the warm spring rays. But the whole thing nearly went awry. My new phone has not yet synced my Spotify playlist - so 5 mins into my run it stopped playing ball! A run without music is uninmaginable, especially in such rare perfect conditions. My heart sinking, I desperately scanned my phone knowing I hadn't yet had time to sync to itunes either. But, what can I say, Kylie saved the day. I'd downloaded her new track 'Into the Blue' on a whim last night. Good old Kylie on repeat was the perfect soundtrack for a perfect blue sky run.

Spotted; couples lounging on blankets in the park, a smiling family sharing a sunday joke and a flask of something yummy and hot, a giant dog that lept up to almost knock me over when saying hello, perfect magnolia blossom against an azure sky.


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